Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Cataloochee News 5/18. Importance of unit planning

Units having planned programming is one of the most important pieces of a strong unit along with trained leaders, dynamic leadership, and a leader succession plan.

Now that the council calendar for 2016-2017 is released it is a good time to think about planning your calendar for the upcoming year!  A strong program should not only have a monthly outing with monthly Pack meetings or a quarterly Court of Honor, but should also include District and Council program events to allow for fellowship with other youth from other units in the District or Council.  

Not only is programming a good tool for helping keeping parents involved and informed, but it can also be used to ensure that youth have ample time to meet rank advancement requirements, or ensure that you know which requirements need to be made up on personal time for a parent that joins the Pack or Troop at a date outside of a normal recruitment. 

If you have not received your council calendar for your unit yet you can either call your district executive or unit commissioner, or find them online at under the resources tab in the forms tab.  Also available at the link below!

Have a great unit program that you would like to share or some good programming advice?  Feel free to comment and share in the comments below!